Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What you may never learn in Life

There are things in life that you must learn if you really want to be wealthy and eventually become Rich in life because you have to know that Riches don’t just come around, you have to work for it, and you must know that there is difference between the two, Richness is greater that wealth.
You can be wealthy and not yet Rich it is until your wealth can sustain you for the rest of your life without working then you can say you are rich, what I mean is that you must have an asset brings you an income daily and monthly, and this income must be able to meet your needs.
The following Principle if followed properly will help you attain your goal to be Rich:
1. You must be your own Boss
2. You must spend less and save more in terms of assets
3. Your level of Education cannot make you Rich, But only made Financially literate
4. Never say you can’t do something or archive your goal
5. Always buy Assets
6. Never work because you need money
7. Always let your money work for you
8. Salary can’t solve your Problem
9. Do what really Pleases You
10. You must develop your self
11. Take your Time to PLAN for your Present and Future
12. Then set the GOALS you want to attain in Life


Quote me anywhere you can never be Rich the way you want it or better still you can’t be Rich by working for someone all your life ‘’ Take for Example multiply your present pay a month by 12month a year and then by 40years which can’t ever have that 40years plans, i bet with you you will see that your whole 40years of working for someone or Government is all a wasted years’’ Lets do this assuming you earn $3,000 a month multiply by 12months a year then you have only earn $36,000 for that whole year does it really whot it after must have deducted your total expenditure how much can you boost of that very year as your savings and investment, now to complicate the whole issue you now work for a total of 40years assuming you start to work early in your life then multiply that $36,000 by the 40years you have spent now working your entire life, then you total earning must be $1,440,000.
Does this Total earning Truely Justify the whole work you have done for your entire, I guess you will agree with me that it does not worth it, when just that your Boss even had more that your entire life in Just is savings account or not to talk of his other investment, well i guess i don’t have to say much words for you to see see a reason why you must be your boss, Because i don’t even want to mention what happen after your Retirement ‘’Pension Issues”, I think it will be better for you to start something on your own now, and be thinking of early Retirement, well if you don’t take action now when it is time i trust your Boss will surely Help you to Retire or Preferably, he will Retrench You.